The Father Says Today: September 20th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-04-09 at 5.54.58 PMThe Father says today if you were EVER going to do anything in the kingdom it is now. Your response time today is an EXACT measurement of My response time to you. TODAY is your day of salvation, provision, breakthrough and blessing. Stand UP and shake off the shackles of negative expectation and skewed perception of what the enemy is doing and LOOK through the lens of the victory of the cross.
Tell Me what you want says the Father. Tell Me what you really want. No more obfuscation or religious platitudes. I don’t need convincing. It isn’t necessary to implore Me with a tear in your voice – what is that in light of the blood that is ALREADY shed in your behalf. Step out of the deception of merely observing and waiting to see what I will do. I have ALREADY DONE all that was necessary for supply every need and touching every area of your life. My kingdom doesn’t come with observation – you must act. If you want NOW salvation you must have NOW action to do what you can with what you have and I will take that little bit of time, money, prayer, obedience and turn it into the very substance of victory to meet your full need!

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