The Father Says Today: September 20th, 2013

DSC05099The Father says today that your life is a tome and a volume that I wrote before the foundation of the world. It is not a tragedy or a black comedy says the Father. Your life is not the story of frustration or failure or suffering. These are not your portion or your plight. I am writing out of your life every vestige of confusion and vanity and failure. I am writing into your life My favor, My grace and My unlimited promise to transform and renew and restore.
Yes it is a new chapter says the Father. Lay your life before this day as the blank page lies under the quill of the Master penman. I will erase the black scrawls of disappointment and the illegible scribbles of sin and senselessness. It is a new day says the Father and My mercy is renewed in your behalf. The page is before Me and I set My hand to write you into the annals of My unmerited favor and grace and destiny. This is your portion and it is My delight to write you into the histories of Heaven.

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