The Father Says Today: September 19th, 2017

The Father says today, that the blood covers. There is power in the shed blood of Calvary to cleanse and remove those things that are at enmity with My purposes in your life. I am breaking down in your life those things that are not compatible with My plan and My purpose in your situation. I am moving to bring deliverance and change in a time of change. Don’t be afraid of the turbulence. Fear not when the shaking comes, for the shaking that comes only removes those things that carry death, only removes those things that diminish you and only removes things from your life that are not consistent with the destiny that I have for you, says the Father. I am touching your mouth, even as I said in Jeremiah. I am putting forth My hand, says the Father, I am touching your mouth and I am putting My words in your mouth. My touch in your mouth will produce My words in your mouth, says the Father. When My touch comes upon you there will be a decree that will accompany it, a decree that proceeds forth, not just out of your human understanding, but from My heart to your heart that speaks truth and manifests My knowledge and wisdom.
When you feel My hand moving upon you, make a concerted effort to get alone with Me. Let your mouth pray. Speak forth the words that I have given you in the secret place. Speak forth and know that what you pray in secret will be rewarded openly. Those things that challenge and encroach upon My kingdom in your life will be rooted out. Those things you have been dealing with that are contrary to My promises, will be pulled down. Purpose in your mind to endure the process without wavering. Do not turn to the right hand or to the left. Continue to move forward in a posture of trust, knowing that in the end My plan for you will overrule all the plans of the enemy. My promises and the power of My word will uphold you in the midst of My process. Father says, do not allow yourself to be insecure in the midst of the shaking, for I am simply preparing the ground that I might build into you all that I have promised, says the Father.

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