The Father Says Today: September 19th, 2013

DSC05110The Father says today that I have set a place for you at My table. Fear not neither be dismayed when your enemies come close and breath out their threatenings. In the presence of your enemies I have set a table for you laden with every good thing. Under the very gaze of your enemies you will partake to the full of My bounty. They shall see it and know it as My unconditional love for you as My child.
You’ve asked Me to take away the threat and remove the challenges before you. This is what I have empowered YOU to do IN MY NAME. Take MY NAME upon your lips. Let My name find legs under you that you will now run with the WAR CRY of HEAVEN against the enemy who will scatter and fall and fail because it isn’t you he sees advancing it is Myself for I have clothed you with My armor and My Spirit. Do you know this truth? I AM that I AM and what I AM is clothing and surrounding and protecting you this day.

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