The Father Says Today: September 18th, 2017

The Father says today, be encouraged. Refuse to see yourself as disadvantaged. Choose to look at your life through the lens of My promise. Do not allow yourself to consider the disadvantages of man but the promises of My word that are your portion! Regardless of the circumstance you find yourself in, it is My favor that determines what happens next in your life. My kingdom rules over all. My love for you disallows the circumstances of birth, relationships, or impediment of any kind to exclude you from the performance of My promises in your behalf. It is My love and My favor that brings you to ascendency beloved, over every difficulty. Despair not. Refuse to grieve as one who has no hope or one who is victim to circumstances beyond your control. I am the hero in the situation. It isn’t up to you. Those things that you cannot shift or change I am lording over.
Fear not the enemy. The enemy and his depredations against you serve only to identify where My table is spread IN THE MIDST OF YOUR ENEMIES, laden with every good thing you could possibly hope to receive at My hand. Be of good courage, says the Father. I have already caused you to incline in the way that I would have you to go. Listen to your heart, for from its inward chambers echoes the still, small voice of My Spirit. Have I not said, “this is the way – walk you in it?” Your hearing is not as poor as you think it is. Stop saying that you cannot hear or are having difficulty ascertaining My voice. I am always and ever speaking. Live out of your sheep nature, for as the sheep of My hand, you will never fail to hear My voice. Commit to memory all that I have said to you. Ascribe My words and My promises as the sure outcome of your life. I will see to it, as you walk in daily renewed obedience, that one by one by one every promise of My word will accrue to you as the sure inheritance purchased for you by the blood that was shed on Calvary.

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