The Father Says Today: September 16th, 2017

The Father says today, do not allow yourself to fall into negativity. Do not get entrenched in unproductive attitudes and the actions that result because of them. This is not a time to give yourself over to ingrained thinking or a resistant pattern of decision making. Hear this loudly and clearly, says the Father, “hold everything loosely”. Remember Lot’s wife! She was so attached to the familiar and that which represented the basis of her life that she looked back at just the wrong time. Don’t look back, says the Father. Let go of those things that are behind you. Refuse to allow the past to be commentary on your present or predictive of your future. Your past will not dictate your future, says the Father. Get ready get ready get ready, for this is the dawning of a new day, but at every juncture your cooperation is required.
I have prepared great and mighty things ahead for you, says the Father, but you are in a place now – in a valley of decision to let go of the past and embrace what I have called you forward to. Be willing to risk. Be willing to step out on nothing, knowing that I will substantiate your faith and your foot will fall on the firm ground that produces your hope and produces that thing that you have cried out to Me for. This is the hour that changes the world. This is the hour that changes your circumstance and your situation as you align yourself with My word and align yourself with My still, small voice correcting, redirecting and bringing you out of the dry places, even this day, into the milk and honey provisioning that you have cried out for so long to Me for, says the Father.

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  • Always always speaking life into my life and confirming what the Father is saying…As I was walking on the streets yesterday I heard Him saying “Get ready! Get ready!” …Through this daily word you have been fathering me…May the LORD bless you,your family and your ministrry richly!

  • Yes, Yes, Father God. I hear. I hear. I hear you, what you are speaking to me.
    I give thee thanks and honor. I leave the past behind, for it is a dawning of a
    New Day, this very day unto me. Hallelujah, as you have declared it to be so.
    I am Coming out. I am breaking out, and breaking in to the promises, of all
    you have declared and spoken over my destiny in you. I am Ready, Ready,
    to move forward, every step of the way, as you have prepared a way out
    for me. The milk and honey, I have cried out to you for so long is now about
    to manifest before my very eyes. Glory, to God. Thank you Jesus. Amen !!