The Father Says Today: September 14th, 2017

The Father says today, walk in My favor. I not only love you, says the Father – I like you and delight to spend time with you even when you think I am busy doing something else. Step out and activate in your life the protocols of My favor. When you are moving in the protocols of My favor you will plunder the enemy and come away with the spoil of the city. My plans for you include so much more than you are currently walking in. You are slated to be blessed among your peers more than you understand and more than what those around you have seen. Even those whom the blessed people are calling blessed will look at you and see My blessing and commend your life as an example of just what life looks like when drastic favor manifests in fullness on a human life – specifically your life. So, get your mind wrapped around a greater favor and heavier anointing and fuller portion of My goodness than you previously thought possible.
I am so with you, says the Father. I am with you extending latitude and permission to step into the express elevator of My glory that takes you to the penthouse of My goodness. You aren’t coming up in the service elevator because I am not ashamed of you. You are not coming in by the back door because I delight to associate with you and to conspicuously put My name upon you in such a way the everybody gets just how much I love you and have chosen you as an inheritor of the full measure of My highest and best. I am committed. In My resolute will I am committed to use all My energies and all My creativity to bring about the happiness, joy and even radical obnoxious blessing upon you that will offend every religious spirit operating within range of your life. So, go out and be special and be the beloved and know that I have set My favor upon you this day in great and radical measure.

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