The Father Says Today: September 13th, 2017

The Father says today, this is a new beginning time for you. I declare to you a new day, a new world, a new season, a new genesis for you in your life. You are going to run and not be weary. You will play like the hart and rejoice as in the day of harvest. Your feet will be as hinds feet on high places as you leap for joy from one glory to the next in the blessing time wherein I choose to bless you. This is your time to rejoice even as a praise dancer in my kingdom. Your testimony will be that there is a God in the heavens who provisions your life with deliverance, who provisions your life with healing, and even miraculous recovery in the name that is above every name.
The Father says over you, this is the day of your visitation. I am coming to meet you as I met Abram in the plain and brought him bread and wine. He cut covenant with Me and in blessing I blessed him because he lifted up his hand to the Most High and refused to take even a shoe lace from the king of Sodom. Make this your determination and your resolve to never allow any man to say he made you who you are, or is responsible for the goodness that only originates in Me. I am with you, says the Father, and I will never leave you or forsake you. Be determined. Be steadfast in your obedience. Put aside every temptation to swerve away from My commandment or to deviate from My instruction, for this is the season of your reward and it will come to you in haste and in fullness as you maintain fidelity to My throne.

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