The Father Says Today: September 12th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today I am doing a dual work in your life by My power. There are two kinds of power in My kingdom. I am bringing My exousia power and My dunamis power into your life and your experience. Exousia is kingdom position and kingdom authority. Dunamis is My immediate and transformative presence that brings the miraculous into manifestation. You are even now learning how to walk in the authority that releases the immediacy of the miraculous. There was a man in Galatians who was said to be one who “did miracles among the people…” I am teaching you and training you – allow Me to train and teach you how to move in the gifts of the Spirit until you can prophesy at will, speak in tongues at will, move in healing and discernment of Spirit and miracles at will.
I will use you in dry places to destroy doubt and the shackles of pessimism and religious mentalities. I will destroy unbelief in you and cause you to be instruments through which I destroy unbelief in the lives of others. You are a demonstrator. You don’t have to talk about what you demonstrate. I am bringing you out of the mundane and into a place of participation in My purposes. I call you first partakers – don’t look for examples for if you look at the example others have set you will have set your sights too low. You can be encouraged by what others have done but I am giving you that which is uniquely your own in the experience of the manifestation of My Spirit.

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