The Father Says Today: September 11th, 2017

The Father says today, your new birth is a reality. It is not some religious sleight of hand. It is not something you were talked into or convinced of because of a cathartic emotional experience. You are born again of the incorruptible seed. However, your life may be surrounded by contamination and corruption, but there is something of Myself on the inside of you that is unstained, uncorrupted and inconceivably pure. And that part of Myself that is in you is speaking – continually speaking. “Be thou clean”. Be made whole. I will – rise and take up your bed and walk… Miracles are yours. Restoration is yours. Forgiveness is yours, for I am bringing you out of what was and into the new, even My renewed mercies that are reset every morning you wake up and put your feet on the floor to face a new day.
You have not chosen Me but I have chosen you. I have chosen you and ordained that you should be with Me and that you should bear much fruit. If much fruit is not the experience you are having, you know where I am taking you then, don’t you? Fruitlessness is not your portion. Spiritual, physical, relational famine is not something designed by My hand as an assignment for you to carry out your life in. It is not good to be alone. It is not good to fall short in any area of life. I am the life giver. I am the source of abundance beyond all your expectation. You are coming out, says the Father. You are coming out of the lean place and into the fullness of My Spirit and Power that fills all in all in every area of your life where need exists.

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