The Father says that My kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy. My joy is an explosive thing. You are an IED device that I will plant in the highways and the byways. Where others have no joy, no peace and no composure – where others are living their lives with frayed and raw nerves and ready to give up – I will cause you to be the solution to the pollution. You know what it is to walk in dry places, but you are coming out of hiddenness and into manifestation. The manifestation of My joy is going to flow out of you – you are a joy bomb. Where bombs have fallen and fear has ruled, you will bring joy and rejoicing. You will declare the mandate that the sky isn’t falling, the kingdom is coming. This joy is not the mindless mirth of distracted and perverse minds. This is the pristine joy of My Spirit and the exhilaration that makes life worth living and sustains those who have been without hope.
I have brought you to and established you in My Shiloh. Be ready to receive those that come to you. You will feel many times that you are giving out what you can ill afford yourself. I so loved that I gave – as you give out of yourself I will bring increase. I will increase your joy and increase your substance until you are bursting at the seams and unable to account for My goodness. You will be poster-children for My goodness poured out in your life and your home even will be as the home of Obed-Edom who kept kept the ark of the covenant. Things will tend to benefit and blessing and not downturn of despondency. People will remark how they just love to be around you and even visit you in your home and you will have opportunity to say “do you really want to know why things are so different?” They will inquire and you will give the answer of hope and joy that comes by My hand and through intimacy with Me. You will rejoice and those without hope and wallowing in despondency will become partakers and participators in that hope themselves.
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Ngozi Egbuche says:
In the Name of Jesus Christ,Amen! Let it be done to me according to your word my Lord!
Dara De La Rosa says:
Amen thank you Jesus i receive it
Jess Wood says:
Amen. Such a good word… Definitely spoke to my heart.
Irene Nelson- Biellier says:
As I sit here a widow of 4 months with a broken heart this is so my prayer!
Sandy Ott Myers says:
Im so glad and happy Papa, that we are one and I have nothing to do but REJOICE! Amen
Corynn Boudreaux says:
Leslie Ann
Piper Henry says:
Hallelujah.. I praise you Lord for you have in trusted me, to manifest your word and joy and love through me, for your kingdom purpose. I receive your presence will to shine continually, like a light that never go’s out, for You are the Spirit and the presence that moves within me and around me.. and I declare and receive your overflowing word.. restore.. restore.. Amen. I Love you Lord Jesus Christ
Christy Ligon says:
Margaret Fleming says:
Ooowee ! Thank you Jesus! Amen. Ilove to share your goodness !
Kay Newman says:
Yes & Amen, let me nothing but GODS LOVE to this world, in JESUS NAME. AMEN
Alice Wa Mūthamaki says:
Amen and amen. I’m very ready
Tracy Elzeiny says:
Carla Hearn McDougle says:
This will be Nice❤️
Barbara Jones says:
Amen thank you Thank You Jesus to God be the Glory
Hustlå Cëåzå Såmyls says:
carol says:
Amen! & Amen!
Jpauline Marshall says:
Knowing you and your awesome love Father through Jesus is my Joy,
Judy May Wagar says:
Amen l received your words today
Joanie Roberts says:
Yes and amen!!! I am so awed by you Lord!!! May I always be!!! Amen!
Dustin Bryant says:
Amen, I receive it.
Smart uju Nnsoli Obiekezie says:
Amen. Thanks and remain blessed sir
Becky Salka says:
Amen! Thank you Jesus for being there always by my side and giving me hope.
Diana Torres says:
Comfort Orji says:
Amen Lord.
Ayobami Adedokun says:
Amen in Jesus name
David Gillies says:
Amen glory
Kevwe Onos says:
Amen. Thank you Lord Jesus for restoration.
Jaqueline De Swardt says:
Yes and Amen! !!!!!!!!!
Carrie M Clay says:
Shawn Davenport says:
Amen! Thank you Father in advance for my supernatural deliverance loose me to use me! I decree I am set free! In Jesus name! Its already done! No more hiding! Restoration abundant life and Liberty are my portion your goodness be seen!
2 Samuel 7:28-29! My house blessed forever!
Nancy Spry says:
Amen! The joy of the Lord is my strength!
Eleonore Wang says:
Melanie R Weaver says:
Amen! Such a timely word for right where I am in my life!