The Father Says Today: September 11th, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-08-19 at 6.19.20 PMThe Father says that I am defining you according to My truth and not the standards of man. In the Christ that I have placed within you is neither male or female, Jew or Gentile, or any ethnic distinction. My child you are a member of the ONE NEW RACE the ETHNOS of heaven and your citizenship is that of My kingdom. You are the citizen of heaven and as such are protected by the Diplomatic Immunity of the Throne from the persecution of the Dark One.
Who shall bring charge against My Elect? Who shall bring Challenge against Who I am on the inside of you? You are a New Creation, an Entirely New Species altogether on the earth and IN CHRIST. So establish your sense of self referral not in your gender or race or social station in life. You shall speak before kings says the Father and you shall shepherd paupers and beggars. You shall stand in the high councils of the earth and you shall bring healing waters to the darkest slums and tenements.
Hear My voice says the Father for the time is short. The Karios timing of heaven is usurping the Chronos timing of earth. The hour is come says the Father that the plowman will overtake the reaper and you will come rejoicing with the sheaves even the souls that I purchased with the blood of the Son in this hour says God!

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  • Bridgette says:

    Thank you my Savior! I love you Lord . . . .I am a citizen of your kingdom. I am privileged to be called your child.
    I will FOREVER love you Lord!
    Love your child,

  • amen may God bless you richly.daily prophetic word is my daily blessing through.great thanks