The Father Says Today: September 10th, 2017

The Father says today, I am the giver and not the withholder. I am not withholding anything from you. The enemy has fostered the lie that I delight in denying you, but I am not denying you. Neither am I holding Myself aloof from you in anyway. I am as near to you as hands and feet. I am there on the inside of you resonating in the acoustics of your inner man that is My temple. This is the basic truth of who I am in you and who you are in Me. I am in you. You are My house upon the earth. You are a living stone of the vital temple that is comprised of every born-again believer throughout the earth in every place where My name is named. The desire you have to know Me is what I planted there, not to deny you or torment you, but to fulfill completely the hunger in your being for all My fullness that is in fact your portion.
So, reject all condemnation and come to Me with delight and knowing that those who come to Me I will in no wise cast out. Are you moving toward Me? Of course, for I am moving toward you. Are you coming toward Me every day in every way? Know that I will not reject you or cast you aside. Others may have rejected you and cast you aside but I know you. I know what you are made up of and I know your failures and the folly that has contaminated your life from time to time. The blood covers all. The cleansing of Calvary expunges all guilt and sin as you repent and open yourself to the sanctifying power of My Spirit. That isn’t what you have been taught by the Counsels of the Uninformed, but you be a Father pleaser and hear My voice above all others. Return to the high place this day, says the Father. Let every prodigal understanding and attitude within you forsake the husks of earthly priorities and come, however stained and naked, to be cleansed and given the robe of righteousness and the signet of My acceptance, because I call you My beloved child.

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