The Father Says Today: September 10th, 2016

dpwThe Father says I am the God who never planted anything in a row. I delight in keeping you guessing just what I am going to do next. It is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the glory of kings to find it out. You are kings and priests unto Me says the Father. You are bond slaves unto Christ but you are principalities and powers over every work of the enemy. I am breaking illegitimate authority in your life. Those who have said you must, and you have no choice are completely in error, for where man forbids you to go you will find Me waiting for you. I am calling upon you not to wait on My glory but to walk in My glory. My glory is something on the inside of you pressing to get out. Let that birthing take place. When you walk into a room learn to say in yourselves “I release the glory here…” you will be amazed at the anomalous and unusual things that will take place.
As My glory flows through you, people will get up and leave the room for no reason. Others will come up to you – total strangers and strike up a conversation as Philip did with the Ethiopian eunuch. You know what darkness looks like – but know this I am causing My light to shine out of your darkness. I choose you. I choose you as an instrument of salvage for the unsalvageable. You have a commission. It is immediately in front of you. Be prepared to act. That which I now pour into you is constituting you and making you a conduit to pour out to those around you who are floundering in darkness. You are called to be light in the Lord in many dark and desolate places but I will always be with you and will never forsake you.

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