The Father Says Today: October 8th, 2017

The Father says today, I am the Equipper. I have equipped you with all things that are necessary to capitalize your life and fulfill your dreams. This is the one great truth that is implied by the Shepherd’s Promise of “Life and Life More Abundantly”. I am trying to give you something you already have and I am trying to transform you into someone you already are. The work of the cross is about extracting the sting of sin and the contamination of the fall so that who I made you to be will rise up and take ascendency over all that I have placed under your hand. Hear the truth of this, says the Father, and allow the awe of My majesty resonating in you to be deeper than any distress, disappointment or despair.
You have a gift, says the Father. You have a gift and your gift is going before you and making room for you in life. When things feel strained and difficult, know that this is not your stopping place. Since you don’t WANT to stop there, then realize that I haven’t planned for you to camp in the thorny place. Hear this day the declaration by My hand that YOU HAVE DWELLED IN THIS MOUNTAIN of difficulty LONG ENOUGH. Now is the time of learning and the time of equipping and the time of shifting you from stagnation to transformation that will cause the mastery of My Spirit to populate your life and change the things that need to be changed and get you where I purpose to take you!

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