The Father Says Today: October 7th, 2017

The Father says today, focus upon the throne. Whatever dominates your focus dominates you. I have not chosen that you be DOMINATED by any man or any situation or any condition. I have given YOU dominion. You are not a slave of the earth, you are a bond-slave of heaven. As My bond slave, I have placed a ring on your finger and a robe upon your shoulders that conveys RANKING and AUTHORITY in the earth. Jettison poverty consciousness. Refuse to be a victim. Refuse the victim mentality. I command you, says the Father, to set aside the vocabulary of victimhood. You are not a victim because I am not a victim and I am in you. You are not a victim, you are just a victory that hasn’t manifested yet, but it IS coming.
So, put your attention upon the throne and not upon the footstool. The earth is My footstool and its upheavals and tumults are the small dust of the balance. True authority and ultimate victory is found by all those who focus upon the throne on high where all power originates and flows from. I say again – put your attention upon the throne, for YOU ARE where YOUR ATTENTION TAKES YOU. I know that this isn’t what you have been taught and I know that this does not reflect how you have behaved under pressure in the past. It is challenging, but what I am doing is increasing your capacity for embracing and releasing My power and My authority, says the Father. This is what it means to rule and reign in My kingdom which is not something that only happens after death – no! Ruling and reigning beloved, begins NOW.

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  • Yes and Amen. Thank you Father. Thank you very much for the RING & ROBE.
    RANKING AND AUTHORITY. Ruling and reigning started! Thank you Jesus.Thank you very much for your Throne of GRACE! AMEN.