The Father Says Today: October 3rd, 2017

The Father says today, I have called you to greater works. Of all that I demonstrated in My earth walk know that greater works will be done. Greater works will you do because I ascended on high and the Holy Spirit was sent. The life and life more abundantly that I made provision for on Calvary is not a lesser life than I demonstrated in My earth walk. I paid the price on the cross and the way was made clear for you to stand up in the power of My name and give testimony to My power and My love. It was expedient for you that I would go away because only in My death and resurrection could the Holy Spirit take up residence in your heart and life. Do you understand what this means? It means you are better off with the Holy Spirit IN YOU than you would be walking beside Me along the shores of the Galilee.
What I am saying to you beloved is this – as I AM so are you in the world. Is this something you are committed to believing? As I AM so are YOU in the world. This is who I AM and who YOU ARE. This is not something you can measure by any other means than what My word declares. There are many narratives that would define you but make it your determination that the DOMINATE NARRATIVE of your life – your PERSONAL NARRATIVE be the truth of My word. Remember that I honor My word above My name. When you take up My word in your heart and on your lips then I am on the scene confirming My word with signs following. I will confirm My word and I will authenticate My promises as you step out expecting My word to come to pass and be the testimony that shapes and molds your tomorrows as you walk in My kingdom and in My love.

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