The Father Says Today: October 30th, 2017

The Father says today, be rooted and grounded in My love. Let My love be the open expanse above you and the foundation under your feet. My love is loving you and prospering you. My love is making all things work together for your good. My love is ruling and reigning over every circumstance in your life. My love is rearranging and reconstituting the fullness of My promise, even in areas where you have despaired of ever having anything different than what you are now experiencing. Step out into that love this day, says the Father. Launch out into the hope that love sustains and maintains. I am marking your life with My love and it is a good life and an abundant life even beyond your expectations.
Are you prepared to be radically loved, says the Father? I have shown My loving kindness so often that at times it went unnoticed. My love is so full that at times it seems monolithic and featureless because I refused to allow My love to be interrupted or marred by anything else but love. Stop for a moment and breathe in. That is Me loving you. Breathe out and you are experiencing Me loving you. Look out of your eyes and take in your surroundings and in so doing you are experiencing My unconditional love. Make up your mind that you will not see yourself as anything other than a child that is loved and accepted. You are clamoring for approval and you haven’t figured out just how much I accept you already.

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