The Father Says Today: October 30th, 2014

Russ-n-Kitty-10-2014x175The Father says today – Beloved your quietness and confidence intimidates the enemy. Those who bluster and shout with shrill insistence betray their own timidity. You are not among the ranks of the timid, you are of the warrior class. The enemy wants to muffle your laughter and pressure you into engaging him on his own terms. The enemy is all smoke and mirrors, deception and misdirection. Don’t succumb to his lies and foolishness. In the good fight of faith YOU are the PRINCIPALITY and the POWER. Satan is just the usurper who Adam allowed by disobedience to take on an illegitimate authority. Don’t put up with this beloved!
I have placed you in your own life even as I placed Adam and Eve in the garden. You are a TENDER and a KEEPER. The angels with the flaming swords are at the ready to driver out the usurpations of the enemy and enforce the faith filled expectations of your heart and the declarations of your mouth. So settle in and settle down! Settle in to your authority and settle down from all panic and hysteria for that is not your portion. Your portion is quietness, rest, and confidence. This is what gives the enemy of your soul a nervous breakdown because he knows his own inability to shatter the destiny of one who is at rest in Me.

Join us for the Morning Light Bible Study – 9 a.m. Central “The Forward Looking Word of God”

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