The Father Says Today: October 2nd, 2017

The Father says today, receive My unearned favor. Know that My grace and the benediction of My goodness over you is the free gift of My heart to your heart. Your entitlement in My kingdom is not based upon your performance or moral excellence. Your righteousness and right standing before Me has nothing to do with who you are or what you have done. Your righteousness is not found in religious dogma or any effort that originates in your own striving. Release all such guilt, for your righteousness is found only in My person. I am your righteousness. I am your right standing. When you come to Me in prayer the only qualifier is the application of the shed blood of Calvary in your behalf.
Accept the free gift, says the Father. Receive the full measure of My unconditional favor and goodness toward you. There is nothing to earn. There is nothing you can add to the work of the cross. To suggest otherwise is a religious obscenity that cheapens the cross. Shake yourself free from the chains of religious bondage. Come boldly into the holiest by the blood that was shed, for there is no other access. Good works, correct doctrine, religious striving or alleged efficacious suffering are vanities before Me. Only the shed blood of Calvary affords you a hearing in My courts. Come therefore. Come willingly. Come rejoicing. Come with total reliance, not on who you are or what you have done but on who I AM in you and what I did in your behalf 2000 years ago.

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