The Father Says Today: October 26th, 2017

The Father says today, I am seeking that which was lost. Loss may be part of the natural life of natural men but in Christ, says the Father, there is no loss. Detraction is not in My repertoire. I am the Giver. I so loved that I GAVE. It doesn’t read that I so loved that I took. The only things I am taking away from you are those things that originate in the one who kills and steals and destroys. I am not the destroyer, says the Father. I am not the thief and I do not need the last enemy that is death to accomplish My purposes. Separation is death. I am not separating you from Myself – beloved, I am bringing you to a place of one-ness with My Spirit and in My kingdom.
Seek to be at one with Me, says the Father. Receive the at-one-ment that was paid for on the cross. There is not separation between Father-Son-Holy Ghost. Let there be no separation in your life from this one or that one who may be living in conflict with you. Just because you cannot be with that one, or that you are estranged from one you love does not mean you have lost out. You only lose beloved, when you choose not to love. Have you learned how to love? In love, there is only union and communion. Outside of love is segregation, wounding and estrangement. Step out of the victim mentality and into the ascendency of love. Love never fails and love will not fail to supply, to restore and mend that which is broken in those difficult relationships, says the Father.

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