The Father Says Today: October 20th, 2017

The Father says today, this is a freeing time for you. There are things that have held you back and held you in intimidation that are being eliminated in this time. I am coming in and I am doing the work inside of you that is going to cause great freedom and great boldness to arise up in you. You have connected with My wisdom when you needed it and you know you heard from Me – oftentimes people have tried to stomp on that and tried to override you with unfairness and scorn. They said they knew better and they said they knew what was best, but I say unto you truly, I am on your team and I know what is best even when My revealed will contradicts the opinions of men. You have heard My voice beloved. Know this – that the wisdom that you carry inside of you originates in Me, so refuse to doubt yourself any more.
I say refuse to doubt and refuse to question yourself in regard to hearing Me. Do not doubt the wisdom I have given you. I want you to go the way that I tell you to go. When others around you are going to say go one way, go this way and cause confusion – I say to you keep living out of your sheep nature, for My sheep DO hear My voice and another they will not follow. Receive My voice and receive the gift of understanding I have placed inside of you to receive my greatness and receive even the ministry calling that I have for you. It is not a small thing that I am doing. The greater works are at hand. The deeper wisdom of My Spirit is flowing and My wisdom will arm you and instruct you and cause you to know all you need to know as you discard your own opinion and the opinions of others and trust wholly in Me.

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