The Father Says Today: October 19th, 2017

The Father says today, trust Me for the outcome. Relinquish all to Me. I am the hero. I am the one in control. You wanted to be in control, but the problem is you don’t have all the facts. If I gave you what you think you need, your world would be so much less than what I have intended. Trust Me, says the Father. Trust My intentionality. Know that I am willing and know that I am working. I am bringing about highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled in your life. What you are incapable of doing I am completely adept at accomplishing. There is no deficit of love and there is no deficit of favor when you cast yourself into total dependence on My plan and align yourself fully with My revealed expectations upon you moment by moment.
Know this, says the Father – simply because you feel unable to effect change does not mean change is not coming. Relinquish the outcome and trust Me, for I never disappoint those whose expectations are upon Me. Remember the promise of My word, that when the seed falls to the ground it will ultimately spring forth and produce exactly what you have cried out for. Give yourself over to obedience and rest. Do what you can with what you have and stick with it – for in the midst of the process I will enter in to produce a sooner not later outcome in your life.

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  • I need the lord in my life. He is there speaking to me through your prophecies and I am thankful. Thank you in Jesus name my friend. May he bless you without measure.

  • Adriene says:

    Good morning. I would like to have prophetic word spoken to me. I can’t seem to hear The Father. Blessings

  • Yes Lord I Trust you.. for my outcome is in your hands. I receive your mighty word. Thank you Jesus for reminding me every day who you are in me, and who I am in you.. Amen

  • Thank you Abba Father, for I am still holding onto you in the Greatest Expectations
    of my life, with all knowing what you speak is truth, and you are faithful and true
    to the end. What you spoken will and shall manifest as I continue to press into all
    of you. Hallelujah !!! Thank you for the sooner outcome. I receive your love, favor,
    your abundance of love, love, love, favor, favor, over my life in Jesus name. Amen