The Father Says Today: October 17th, 2014

DSC01457The Father says don’t be overwhelmed by life – be overwhelmed by My Spirit! Practice looking at My face today and ignore – simply ignore what the enemy is saying and doing. When you walk with Me you will provoke warfare but I am with you. I am the God of battles and in My presence you possess all the resources and authority to fight the good fight and not lose. You are not a loser says the Father. You are fighting from a place of assured victory even the victory of the cross.
So make allowances for winning and stop talking yourself into losing. You are not a loser because you are in Me and loss is destroyed in My presence. So don’t be distracted by the threat of loss – be preoccupied with loving intimacy with Me. No matter what is occurring expect to walk in My joy even though the challenge is great. Draw upon My joy as a well of refreshing and don’t resist the circumstances – resist the devil! Have that never-let-go determination and at the end of the day the check will be in the bank, the healing will be made manifest and the restoration will have taken place!

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