The Father Says Today: October 16th, 2017

The Father says today, all is well. All is well, says the Father. Even when the waves of turbulence and difficulty rock your world, know that I was there in the beginning and I am with you now. I am with you to the end, and when you are deposited on the other side of this difficulty you will look back and see that none of the things you thought were going to devastate you happened. Let that be the lesson you learn in the midst of the fiery trial. Learn that when the enemy does his worst, I will do My best, and the outcome will be assured.
I am bringing you to a sure end, says the Father. What I have promised will not fail. I am not a man that I should lie, or the son of man that I should repent. I haven’t changed My mind about you. Others have changed their mind about you because they don’t believe their own prophesies. They said they believed and they said they would be there for you, but they were but dust and ashes. Put your expectations on Me and not upon man. Man will fail you EVERY TIME, but I will never falter and I will never fail. For this reason and this reason alone you will come into your blessing place with your testimony intact and your victory assured.

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