The Father Says Today: October 16th, 2014

DSC01457The Father says today I need you to straighten someone out for Me. Not your brother or you sister – I need you to straighten out the enemy of your soul. On your way out to the tasks of the day take a moment and remind the enemy of his total defeat. He thinks if he isn’t reminded it won’t happen so help him out and remind him of the keys that I have made available to you. In fact just shake the keys in his face because he can’t have them and he can’t take them from you.
Be sure of your God today says the Father. Be sure of your God because living for Me is not a suicide mission. I have committed you to a winnable war and equipped you with every necessary resource. The angel supply lines are unbroken and your final preparation is coming to a close. Shoulder your faith and un-holster My word and watch the terror in the eyes of the enemy of your souls. Go out and terrorize terror by the blithe joy of one who is hidden in the secret place of the Most High. Rejoice, rest, recover, recuperate and be restored as I beautify Myself in you this day.

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