The Father Says Today: October 15th, 2014

DSC01457The Father says today do you know that you already have what you haven’t asked for yet? I already know what it is I just delight in hearing you ask for it. Go ahead and ask. Ask for those things that religious mentalities would deny you. Ask for those things that small minds and hard hearts have given up on. Do you hear the still, small voice? It always repeats one word: YES!
I say yes to the desire of your heart. I planted that desire, the DNA of that longing within you – why WOULDN’T I say yes? Move toward your YES in Me says the Father. Lean in to My yes and embrace My yes today. Yes is the only answer I have for you. You haven’t heard it because of the other voices that need to be silenced. My sheep hear My voice so just live out of your sheep nature and expand into a place of proclamation where My will is declared, decree and thus becomes substance in your life even this day.

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