The Father Says Today: October 14th, 2014

DSC01457The Father says today do you want to win or merely survive? If you have set your goal to just crossing the finish line you have capitulated to the enemy. There is no joy in mere survival. I want your joy to be full. I will lay the garland of honor upon you and bestow upon you the reward in this season that is not intended for anyone but you! Let your resolution be strong and your tenacity be sure even though others in your situation may be giving up.
Don’t pretend that the enemy isn’t there. He loves to shy you away from confrontation. That is how he keeps you from the victory I have paid for in your life. Shake yourself and reject timidity. Walk right up to the enemy and slap him silly with word of My promise. It doesn’t matter who is backing him up because I am on your side. You and I together are a majority says the Father – the enemy doesn’t stand a chance!

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