The Father Says Today: October 13th, 2017

The Father says today, it is time to get out of your boat and walk on the water. It is water walking time for you. The time is now, the time is now, says the Father, and the only thing left for you to do is to step forward knowing that I will cause the winds and the waves to uphold you and not to swallow you up as you make your way to My side. This is what walking in faith looks like. I have called you not only to live in My Spirit but to walk in My Spirit. You cannot do that looking at the winds and the waves. Do not allow the threatening circumstances to loom large in your perspective. Don’t listen to the voices that say, you can’t, or you won’t or it isn’t going to work out. Keep your eyes on Me. I will guide you with my eye. I will cause you to know what you need to know when you need to know it and things will work out better than you expected beyond your expectations because that is who I am and that is what I do.
I have given you a seeing eye and an ear to hear what I am saying. Let your commitment be to only do what you see the Father do. You may make choices that do not make sense because you are not led by vain emotions or by the carnality of your mind. At times My instructions will almost be like flash cards before your face and all you can do is react and say yes to all I am instructing. Then things will work out and My favor will put you over not because you are so intelligent or gifted but because you complied with the drawing of My Spirit to bring you directly into the fulfillment of My vision for your life. So, choose this day to no longer go round and round in circles of not knowing. You DO know and you ARE moving forward because I am with you and there is nothing stagnant or vain about the steps or the lives of those who walk in lock step with Me, says the Father.

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