The Father Says Today: October 13th, 2014

DSC01457The Father says today I will prosper you in the process. You aren’t there yet – you haven’t arrived and you know that. But I will prosper you in the process. Get off the sidelines and pursue My kingdom on the superhighway of unabashed confidence and joy knowing that I am with you. I was with you when you started off and I will be there waving the checkered flag and cheering you on at the finish line. Your chosen goal and victory is not an “if” but a “when” and it is closer now than you might assume!
Don’t yield says the Father. Don’t yield to exhaustion or speculation or intimidation. Yield to peace, yield to peace and in your mind make room on your shelf for the victor’s crown that will be yours in life and eternity. Endure says the Father! Stand fast! Keep moving forward for this is a sport that has kingdom consequences. You are not wasting your time, you will prevail and things will look different from now on.

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