The Father Says Today: October 11th, 2017

The Father says today, I am your life and your strength. By My hand I am increasing your vitality and strength in this timeframe.  The new wine of My Spirit is being poured out in a vintage that you have not tasted of in times past. Be open to what I am doing. Incline your ear to what I am saying. Yield to My hand and become that new wineskin that is able to embrace new things and new understandings of My kingdom that have not been clear to you before. There are things you have waited so long for that you have been more comfortable with the waiting than you are ready for the receiving. I am changing all of that. I am moving you from expectation to manifestation. From hope and longing to substance and reality. This is the Amos 9:13 place where the plowman overtakes the reaper because you have furrowed in My field with a faithfulness that changes the atmosphere, and brings forth the manifestation of highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled.
The work that I am doing in you is that which launches you into the NOW experience of promise and provisioning.  The enemy has wrestled and resisted and sought to keep you bound in leanness and deprivation – but no more. As the enemy has sought to dispose of your blessing and to destroy your ability to contain that blessing – now I am acting in your defense to throw back his strategies and cause you to receive of My fullness in a dramatic way. I am shoring up those things in your life that need to be shored up.  I am strengthening those things that have weakened and strained to the breaking point.  Others have seen the tension in your life and tried to help, but the Father says I am the hero – I am coming through for you, and none other. Purpose to remain willing and pliable to My Spirit for I have surely heard your cry. Let your hand be first to the task that I have called you to, and My hand will be first to the blessing that I’m bringing forth into your life.

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  • Hallelujah.. I receive your word and will, for it your purpose I am here.. I receive your word for me and my family. Manifestation of your promises Thank you Father God

  • Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness, Father God, Thank you for Coming through for me
    this very day, as I have pored out my heart to you, asking you for change, deliverance
    from the areas in my life which needs change into my Now moment, of moving forward
    into that long awaited longing of my heart’s desires being fulfilled, Manifestations, is
    what I been longing for, your ultimate plans and purposes for my life, as I am now
    embracing with all gladness of heart and joy, joy joy to come forth to me, in this
    suddenly season of my life, for it has been a long, long wait, as I have endured in
    the faith, with all knowing, what you had spoken into me, would someday manifest.
    Hallelujah !!! Glory, Glory, unto thee my Father God. I love you so. Amen Powerful
    Word, spoken this day. I fully Receive it all joy with thanksgiving. Amen !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Yes and Amen. Thank you Father for the Blessings you are going to shower in this time. Amen. Hallelujah!