The Father Says Today: October 11th, 2014

DSC01457The Father says My favor is not fair. I have set you as the object of My favor and you are accepted. Regardless of any objection to the contrary I have determined to pour out the dividends of My favor in your life. The enemy has no ingress of approach to accuse you says the Father because unlike Job – YOU have an ADVOCATE. We cannot be separated says the Father because I am in you and you are in Me. Come unto Me. Come expecting, come anticipating and every time you come you can be assured of a continuous welcome.
Do not throw away the reward that comes with your confidence. Look at yourself in My eyes. Love what I love. Protect what I love and hold on to what I love. What I love is YOU. Let Me love you says the Father. I cannot change or shift or correct or adjust until you have fully accepted the fullness of My love in your life. Keep your confidence close and hold out for the materialization of all those things that religious mentalities would deny you. I love you says the Father. I favor you. I incline Myself to you this day.

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