The Father Says Today: October 10th, 2017

The Father says today, I am not a God of sameness. I am a God of infinite variety and creativity, and in that creativity, I will be made manifest in your life and through your life in many ways. Get ready to experience the unique and the unusual things that come about when My Spirit leads and guides a willing soul. There will be an effortless flow of My life coming off of you that will cause others – even unbelievers, to inquire, what it is about you that makes you different? Where others try to work up a “spiritual” affectation or charade, I will establish in you the sense of being “supernaturally natural” in ways that will make an immediate and instant connection with those who have been turned off by religion. Sometimes all you will have to do is just walk into the room. This is what it means beloved, to be a carrier of the glory – a transmitter spiritually of the visitation that others are only waiting for.
I bid you, says the Father, and I invite you to walk into what others are only waiting for. They are blind, halt, withered and waiting for the troubling of the waters when I am standing right in front of them. Open your heart to all that “Christ in you – the Hope of Glory” looks like in your everyday experience. Breathe in deeply of My presence and breathe out the perfume of My aroma. This will draw some and others it will drive away. Religiously minded people will say “that’s not God” or “God doesn’t do things that way”. Never listen to your critics. Never give heed to those whose spiritual experience is more about sitting in the seat of the scornful that pressing deeper into My kingdom. This is pressing in season for you and in that pressing into My kingdom you must go through the narrow gate that leaves many behind who have presumed that they and they only will be My chosen. Forgive them. Love them. Keep moving forward, for this is the hour and the time that I am making a separating of things above from things beneath and your invitation from My hand is to come up higher.

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