The Father Says Today: November 8th, 2017

The Father says today, I am calling up My warrior bride. My preparatory processes have moved among My people to bring them together and focus them in assignment. Be an individual who takes control of the narrative you are paying attention to, Beloved. Turn your mind and your emphasis from the negative and the backlash of the enemy. Become single-minded to My kingdom and to what your place is according to the calling that I have put on your life. You are the Called of Heaven. I have called you from your mother’s womb to fulfill a purpose and it is more than sitting as an observer to all that the enemy is doing to wear out the saints. Purpose to lay hold of and to receive of My refreshing. Lay hold on the inside of you the refreshing rains of My Spirit this day and be cleansed of the contamination of mockery, despair and helplessness that the enemy desires to use to hold you bound.
You are not bound, says the Father, when you keep your eyes upon Me. As you focus on the throne and walk in pursuit of the kingdom, the iron fetters of discouragement and despair will shred like flax when you flex your spiritual muscles. Let your mouth pray. Greet the morning with petition and praise as soon as your eyes open. Pray always in the Spirit and in the understanding. Pray out the mysteries of heaven and they will become manifest on the earth. You are not powerless. You are not helpless. You are not marginalized. That is what the world wants you to think but it is a tissue of lies. You are My great army. The assembling for a global outpouring is taking place. Find your rank and take your position. Wait in expectation and act with audacity. Know that this is your time and this is My time to deliver up the kingdoms of men to the sovereignty of My purposes in the earth.

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