The Father Says Today: November 3rd, 2017

The Father says today, I am the ORIGINAL CAUSE. You are the effect. I have originated Myself in you and I have originated you in Me – impervious of assault to defeat in anyway. I am the cause and you are the effect that came about because I purposed to have fellowship. In eternity past, I desired and longed to fill and to express Myself, so I brought you into the earth. All of creation and the cosmos is only the trappings of environment I formed to have a place where you might walk out your intimacy with Me. I didn’t bring you into the earth to subject you to death or despair. I brought you into the earth to manifest the express purpose of My nature and My glory. You are in your person a carrier of the glory because I have placed My glory in you. That was the whole purpose of the cross – that I might take up residence in your heart by the glory.
Acknowledge the glory wherein I dwell on the inside of you, says the Father. Acknowledge the glory and bow at that altar, for there I am enthroned on the inside of you. Your heart is the ark of My covenant. I no longer dwell in a box made of acacia wood overlaid with gold. You are the ark of My presence. In you is the golden pot of manna and the tablets of My word. That is who you are and who I am on the inside of you. When you recognize this, and allow this one truth to be the overriding understanding of your purpose in life, then every idol and every pagan image will fall down at your feet and be broken. As in the temple of the fish god long ago, the enemy will fall and be broken and you will be brought out of captivity, for I cannot be bound, therefore you will not and cannot be bound as you understand who you are in Me and who I am in you.

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