The Father Says Today: November 3rd, 2016

dpwThe Father says today, there is nothing that I would withhold from you that is good, pure and holy. Every good and perfect gift comes from Me. Have I not said that no good thing would I withhold from the one who walks upright before Me? That means every good thing, every gift from the coffers of heaven is available to you. Pay no mind to the scoffers and mockers who think that My goodness toward you is a sugar-coated delusion of fantasy. My goodness is more real and more powerful than the sum total of all the evil in existence. In the ultimate story of Good versus Evil there is no contest. My goodness prevails every time.
So go for the goodness. Grab a hold of it like it is pure gold. For it is My desire for you to know and walk in the fullness of the Goodness of Heaven. Declare this day that My kingdom comes in your life. The fullness of My goodness is incalculable and unmeasurable. I not only have a fullness of goodness, but I have a fullness of the “Goods”! What is it you have need of My child? What good thing do you desire? Go for the “Gold of My Goodness” and it will not be denied to you. For whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them and you shall have them, says the Father.

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