The Father Says Today: November 30th, 2017

The Father says today, I am bringing you out of the cleft of the rock. You cried out to Me “show me your glory…” and I have revealed Myself to you and in you. I reached into the deepest part of you and caused the embers of My glory to become a flaming fire even as I said in My word. You are not just a minister. You are not just a member of the religious rank and file. You are Mine. I have laid claim to you by the shed blood of Calvary. This day I am stripping away the trappings of mundane things and bringing you out of Zion as a bride – terrible as an army with banners.
The enemy is being routed, says the Father. I destroyed his works 2000 years ago. Your privilege is to go out in your day and implement the triumph I finished the morning I came out of the grave. You are being supported from the right hand on high. Resources and strength from heaven are raining down into your life today. Open your heart and stir up your courage for I am a man of war and in war will I move forward in your life until every promise is fulfilled says God.

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