The Father Says Today: November 2nd, 2016

dpwThe Father says today, walk with Me in the cool of the day. Meet with Me in the early hours just before dawn and just after sunset. I love to spend time with you beloved. I see the weariness at times you encounter in your day, and I am here to refresh you and restore you, but it involves a decision you must make to come to Me to receive. I will set you forth into your day, and I will settle you in from your day, and bring sweet healing and restoring sleep to you in the still of the night. Receive from Me this very hour all that is needed and sufficient to this day. It will be more than enough child. I am ahead of you and I am behind you and I am by your side. There is nothing that takes Me by surprise. I will lead you this day beside the still, cool waters that bring a quenching of thirst to your soul. I will lead you into the green pastures, and bring a restoring of peace to your heart.
In the hours that we share, you will see Me and you will hear Me as I come to you whirling on the breezes. There will be a clarity in the air and a fragrance of prayer that is sharp and pleasant to us both. Come and join Me in the garden where the birds will sing praises, and the trees will rustle in harmony, and the little fishes will dance in the bubbling brooks, and all things sweet will be shared together. Come away My beloved, to the garden of life where we will share our love together, with pleasant words and sweet songs. In this place I will remove all of the weariness and all of the troubling concerns from your soul, and great will be your peace in abundance, says the Father.

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