The Father Says Today: November 27th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today, have you learned how to love? Love is who I am, not just what I do. Let love be who you are. Lavish your love upon all you encounter – even the unkind, and the unloving, who need it most. Only small minds compartmentalize their hearts so as to exclude others. I stand at the door and knock, says the Father. I stand even at the door of your heart and I knock, surrounded by all of those that your natural mind, with its resentments and refusals, would exclude. If you cannot and will not include those for whom I sent My son to die, then I cannot come in. The table I have prepared for you is in the presence of your enemies – so get ready to set a place for them at the table even as I died, not just for the lovely or the believing, but for the unlovely and the unbelieving.
Love never fails, says the Father. Why would you ever step out of love trying to get something done? Hatred is bereft of power. It has no true energy, and is incapable of getting you to the finish line. Lay aside every weight – even the memories of wounds and disappointments that have been stored up on the inside of you, at times like a festering sore. Forgive, says the Father. Release. Bless. Bless even those who have cursed and vilified you. Bless those who have maligned and worked against your happiness. Bless those who have usurped and threatened. Only in this way can you move on into the fullness of all that I have for you in My kingdom. Love – unconditional love is the only path forward, oh My beloved.

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