The Father Says Today: November 26th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that I am bringing a shaking into your loved one’s life. The angel of the Lord will shake them awake in the night and I will begin to trouble them with dreams in the night. I have a purpose and a plan, says the Father that will not be denied nor overturned in their lives. For there are callings upon their lives that they do not understand and have not been willing to look at clearly but I am taking them back. I am taking them back to those early times when they were tender and I am going to remind them and bring those prayers and sentiments of youth back to the forefront of their hearts and minds.
They are going to think, because of the new season of sensitivity that maybe they need to take medication – perhaps they are going through something chemical, but it isn’t physical says the Father, it is My Spirit moving upon their lives turning up the pressure to bring them to Me. There are some things that will have downturns and set backs, and that is not the enemy, it is Me, working to get their attention. The “doom and gloomers” have heard some things says the Father, but know this, you are in the secret place of the most high and though a thousand fall at your right hand and ten thousand at your left it will not come near you.

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