The Father Says Today: November 25th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today, you are never alone. You have felt as though you were alone at times, but you were never alone. Even on the backstretch of the backside of the desert, where a single friend could not be found – I was there with you. I was there with you and there were angels watching from the galleries of heaven to urge you on.  The promoted saints stood at the bannisters of glory with your loved ones and family, urging you on to the promised outcome of victory. Don’t be discouraged – you are one of the beloved. You are about to break the tape and win the race. You have outdistanced the enemy and the gainsayers, because love never fails, while everything and everyone else runs out of gas!
You are drawing upon the limitless energies of heaven, says the Father. There is nothing lacking. You are backed with the bottomless treasuries of heaven that never run out. Open your mouth wide and I will fill it. You can never bankrupt the warehouse of heaven. There is always supply. You will reach back and lay hold and never come up empty. I am there at your back supplying all that is needed. I am at your side cheering you on. I am going ahead, running interference for every foe. No need to fret or have anxiety about anything, for even those things that have long been absent in your life are about to fill up your joy, and cause those heaven-sent longings to be spontaneously fulfilled, says the Father.

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