The Father Says Today: November 18th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today, I am bringing you into new deeps in My kingdom. I am moving and causing there to be a deepening of your intimacy with me. The house of the idol has been destroyed and a new discipline of prayer is coming. Yes, there is in you this day a grace to pray – a grace from heaven to open your mouth and make your petitions and supplications known. When I was in My earth walk, I offered up prayers with strong supplication and crying. I did this, though I was perfect in My humanity and sinless in My nature. It was a necessity that I would pray and resort frequently to the place of prayer. Beloved – if I must pray – you must pray. If My sinless humanity did not exempt Me from the necessity of prayer for My own survival, how much more is prayer – verbal and insistent prayer, on a daily basis, as important to you as breathing? Renew your mind to a life of prayer. Take the energies and time squandered in other activities and put your attention on Me in prayer. It will pay off. There will be dividends and benefits made manifest in your life as a result.
Say yes today to the fresh beckoning of My voice. My sheep hear My voice – are you listening? Are you yielding? Harden not your hearts, for I am bringing a prayer initiative into the earth, and you are a recipient of an early invitation. My people in this generation will pray as My people haven’t prayed since the 1st century. Think not that the contest is over or that the battle is won. Gird yourself for the spoil of the earth to become the bounty of heaven, in your life and in your community. Put on the mantle of ruling and reigning this day. Put on the mantle that was designed for you before the foundation of the world. As the mantle comes upon you, says the Father, I will then stand up as the Lion of Judah on the inside of you, and you will walk in me and you will talk in me, and my mind shall vanguard you, and my truth shall guide you and you will tread down your enemies and you will redeem even the captives, for I promised you. This is your heritage and your call. This is your commissioning and the choosing is of Me, even this day, says the Father.

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