The Father Says Today: November 17th, 2017

The Father says today, the outlook is not bleak. The enemy wants you to think that you have no future. In desperation, you felt as though there was nothing to live for. Beloved – oh My beloved, I am working in your life. I am working to bring about highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled. Do not let your heart be so troubled. Despair not, says the Father. Refuse to give in to the agony of what your life feels like right now. As Moses said when he lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, “look and live…” That serpent represented your sin and failure being nailed to the cross on the shoulder of the son of God. Look and live – look to Me and not the situation at hand. I paid the price, says the Father, that I might bring you out and raise you up. This is your now season.
Refuse to look at what circumstances say. The situations of your life may seem utterly and totally out of your control and beyond your reach, but that is not the case. Where you are at your end, I am taking you up. Make the changes necessary. Step out in compliant alignment with the promises of My word. As you heed the command, so you shall inherit the promise. I am speaking. I am speaking to you in the night. I am speaking to you in My word. I am sending angel warriors to war with you – give Me, GIVE ME cooperation and I will give you transformation and change. Your life is destined to be a little bit of heaven from God to heaven in. Let your prayer and your cry continually be AS IN HEAVEN so ON EARTH – and My love, it will be just that way.

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  • Glory to God! I have been in deep agony over the terrible situations of my loved ones and my own life! Thank you Father for your Mercy and Grace! I can’t sleep so I just lie in bed listening to the little I-Bible I have through headphones. If it were not for God’s Word I would go crazy! Thank you for your ministry! I am really trying to receive these Words and appropriate them into my life. You see, my beloved son left me to become a militant liberal atheist. Walked away from his Messianic Jewish Heritage and from his God. It has almost put me in my grave! Persecutes us for our beliefs so much. Please pray for him to return to the God of Israel before it is too late. I am a broken hearted mother.

  • Wow, oh so awesome to me, to hear your words of adoration and love. The promise, I receive it
    in Jesus name. Hallelujah !! Thanks be to God Almighty, Great I AM! This is so Awesome Good, Good,
    Such an amazing Father, you are, my Father, as I give thee full cooperation this day. Amen !!