The Father Says Today: November 17th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today, that I am establishing your borders and your boundaries. You may feel encroached upon by others and taken advantage of, but know this beloved, no man or circumstance determines what happens to you next. I am sovereign in your life, and at the end of the day as you put your trust in Me, you will come forth as fine gold. There are many influences that would seek to trespass against My promises over you, but fear not. I will cause you to rule and to reign over all the contradictions of man. I will take all those contrary situations and bring Satan shortly under your feet. My anointing on you and in you will rise up and go out to cause a rooting up and pulling down of every stronghold of the enemy.
The rooting up will come to destroy the work of the adversary, and building up and establishing will take place regarding that which I have promised and planted in your life. Yes, there are some things that I am going to build and there are some things that I am going to plant. That which I build is going to be that concrete blessing installed up in your life as a wall and a defense against the advance of the enemy against you. Within that which I build there shall be blessing, provision and protection over those things, and those concerns in your heart that you purposely and by faith commit to Me. I am planting, says the Father. That which I plant will not die but will begin to grow. At first it’s going to look like bare ground, but then it is going to be the ear, then the stock, then the full corn in the ear, and then the harvest. You will see in your land the seed-fruit-harvest of My goodness. Be faithful to plant. Be faithful to sow. Be faithful to move in the power of seedtime and harvest, and there will be no more crop failure, but a full recompense of faith reaped in full measure back into your life, says your God.

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