The Father Says Today: November 16th, 2017

The Father says today, you will possess your possessions! Though all the world around you struggle and contend, I will hide you in My secret place and preserve you when all else crumbles and falls. Fear not My beloved! It is of a necessity that fallen humanity sees the vanity of their false confidence. The darkness may become very dark, but for you the day will be as the morning spread on the mountains! Do not give in to the doom and gloom mentality that dominates the narrative of the world of men. Set your focus upon who I AM in your life and know that even though 10,000 fall at your right hand I will shelter you and keep you safe.
Run this day into the high tower of My name. Into My name the righteous will run and be sheltered! While others run from Me, purpose to always run to Me for it is in the security of My embrace the scourge that comes in the day and the pestilence that lurks in the night will not come near you. Even in the midst of the white-hot trial you will come out without even the smell of smoke on your garment. This is who I AM and this is what I do. The work of the cross and the power of the resurrection reflect My unbending intention to enlarge, increase and sustain you regardless of what may be going on in the circumstance says your God.

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  • Jane Carlson says:

    With your daily prophetic words I hear the Father’s Heart. and continue to learn of Him. Thank you for being His mouth piece with His precious! Many blessings! JC

  • Hallelujah !! How awesome are thy words, this day Father. I so love, love, love you.
    I keep you in my heart always, so precious are you. I long for you more, and ,more,in you
    I find great comfort in knowing you are with me, every step of the way. Thank you for your
    peace, you have given to me, your Great love, your awesome gifts, your guiduance, leading
    understanding, for yo are my Daddy, who takes care of me. Amen !