The Father Says Today: November 16th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today, before there can be breakthrough there must be a breakdown. Allow Me to bring a breaking down of those things around you that are not compatible with what I am doing and what I have called you to. Take up your refuge in Me, and allow My hand to pass over your life to conquer every adversary. Apply the blood of Christ to the doorpost of your heart, and know that everything of value in My kingdom will be passed over in the time of shaking. The blood of Christ applied to your life, and applied to your situation, is coming with great force in its efficacy to bring deliverance and to shake every enemy of the cross that has come against you. Do not be afraid of the turbulence when it comes. Fear not when the shaking comes for the shaking that comes only removes those things that carry death, only removes those things that diminish, and only remove those things from your life that are not constituent elements of the destiny that I have for you, says the Father.
I am touching your mouth. Even as I said in Jeremiah I am putting forth My hand and touching your mouth, putting My words in your heart to speak with great boldness. My touch in your mouth will produce My word in your life, says the Father. You are going to feel it happen. There will be seasons throughout the coming year that you will sense My hand and My touch upon you to speak boldly, and forthrightly, even to silence the adversary and stifle the naysayers who do not agree with what I am saying and doing on the inside of you. When that comes there will be a decree that will accompany it. Let the decree proceed forth not just out of what you have been taught – not just out of your learning or things that you know, but speak forth in the moment out of that resonant experience of My anointing on the inside of you. When you feel My hand upon you, open your mouth boldly, and allow My word in your mouth to bring a rooting out that will expose and expel all works of darkness, and establish you in victory and in advancement of My purpose and My promise in your life.

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