The Father Says Today: November 15th, 2017

The Father says today, let patience have its perfect work in you. Be patient beloved, for I will not leave you where you are. I will not abandon you to the consequences of wrong choices or things in your life that you know and realize are not accomplishing My will or blessing your life. My gift in you is that you have My highest and best both now and in the world to come. My blueprint for your life is to raise you up into a place where you are walking in the entirety of My goodness, wanting nothing. Some have taught that I withhold and deny but I am not the denier – I am the giver. I am the giver and I desire that you be wanting for nothing that pertains to life and godliness.
So, cooperate with My process, says the Father. Cooperate with My process and you will see the fullness of My outcome in your life and in your situation. Embrace the circumcision by which I cut away in your heart those things that are working against you and against My purposes. Only those circumcised inwardly will endure to the end that they might be saved. You are earmarked for breakthrough. You are chosen to have an end in Me that exceeds your highest heart’s desire. My plan is greatest dream fulfilled My beloved, so bare your breast to the working of the death of the cross in you that the life of the resurrection may see its full and final manifestation in your life.

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