The Father Says Today: November 15th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today, press into the pressure. This is a season that places you in the midst of transition. There are purposes coming to the birth in your life, and with that are many challenging things. Do not shrink from the pressure. Do not run from the challenge or ignore the problems. Refuse to turn away from the pressure. That pressure moving against you is the last hurdle before you break out into the righteousness, peace and joy of My kingdom. It is through much tribulation or much pressure that you enter into the kingdom, Beloved. There are times you feel pressure and you want to fly away like a bird to its sanctuary. I say to you, says the Father, don’t shrink from the challenge. Turn into the challenge, for as you turn into the challenge, you shorten the tribulation and you will break out into the kingdom. When you break out into the kingdom it’s going to be righteousness, joy, and peace.
The righteousness I am to you in this hour brings entitlement, ruling and reigning. This is that righteousness wherein everything you say and do will become as effective as if I said or did it. You will experience My joy and go out and be led forth in peace. Do not allow the enemy of your soul to steal your joy. The enemy has tried to steal your joy and to rob you of your peace. I say to you this day, allow My peace to rule as an umpire in your heart, deciding with finality of the decisions that are before you. So stand this day in expectation and confidence. Move forward in obedience and trust. As you seek My face, and immerse yourself in My word and My promise, things will shift and change for you. Are you ready for change? All change takes place as you embrace the challenge, move forward in reliance on My faithfulness, and know that in the end you will come out the victor. This is your portion Beloved, and your righteousness is of Me.

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