The Father Says Today: November 14th, 2017

The Father says today, let there be no strange fire upon My altar. In the days of Moses, Aarons sons were casual about the fire that they kindled on My altar and the consequence for them was not pleasant. I have kindled something of Myself in you that the enemy would love to extinguish. There are influences all around you that seek to enflame you and distract you from My presence, says the Father. Refuse to be sidetracked or turned aside from that which I am doing in your midst. Never allow your heart to be divided or the embers of your passion for My kingdom to grow cold.
I know the way that you take, says the Father. I am with you every step of the way leading and guiding through every challenge. You aren’t lost and you are not in a dead-end situation. Though the way forward may seem to escape you, know that in a moment of time I will sweep away all the obstacles and cause you to walk into the fulfillment of all that I have promised. Your responsibility is to keep your eyes on Me, never allowing your heart to be seduced by the voice of the deceiver speaking from the sidelines, tempting you to abandon the race that I have set before you.

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