The Father Says Today: November 13th, 2017

The Father says today, My heart is that you prosper and be in health. I am so committed to your benefit that I sent the Only Begotten that you might have life and life more abundantly. That is not what you have always heard from those who claim to speak in My name. Take what others tell you and look deeply into My word. Believe My promise. Lay hold on what the cross paid for in your life. Set aside the preponderance of opinion of faithless men who have accepted the lie of the enemy. Religious mentalities can never get onboard with anyone being blessed other than themselves, but know this – I have set you as the pupil of My eye. When the negative touches you, know that I am providing and protecting you as I would My own person.
Be blessing minded this day. See yourself as the blessed and let your mouth bless all those around you. Seeking the blessing is not immature, or unspiritual. That is the lie of the enemy. Purpose in your heart to adopt a “life and life more abundantly” expectation in your life. I am not offended when you have an abundance mentality. I said in My word “as in heaven so on earth…” There is no poverty in heaven. There is no disease or sickness in heaven. There is no sorrow in heaven. The work of the Cross was to mitigate and eliminate from your life all of these things, that you might serve Me without distraction and in fullness of joy. Accept this as your most basic understanding of what being a part of My family is all about.

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